Alberto Noguera Honor Loan Program
Shortly after its foundation, the Harvard Club of Argentina established a fund to provide loans to Argentine students admitted to graduate programs at Harvard University. This fund is made possible by the generous contributions of various Club members, especially Mr. Alberto Noguera from whom the loan program takes its name.
To apply, students must have enrolled in programs of at least one academic year (nine months) and which confer a degree or diploma upon successful completion.
Our loans aim to help students who may not have the full financial resources to pay for an education program abroad. That's why these loans are unsecured; we don't require mortgages or real guarantees. We believe that anyone admitted to Harvard University has the moral integrity to fulfil their obligations.
Loans are documented with a contract and a promissory note for each repayment instalment, personally guaranteed by a property owner whose real estate is free of encumbrances and valued at least double the loan amount. This requirement ensures minimal safeguard for the Club, as the funds come from our members and must be managed responsibly.
Loans amount to US$15,000 per year or up to 30% of the total program cost (including housing and food), whichever is less. They must be repaid within five years after the program ends, with a 12-month grace period. Repayments are made in six equal, fixed, semi-annual instalments at an annual interest rate which varies with market conditions but is typically more attractive than going rates.
All loan applicants must be interviewed by two members of the HCA’s board of directors.
Formal Requirements for Loan Applications
- Copy of the admission letter from the applicable Harvard school.
- If required, a brochure or description of the program offered by the school.
- An estimate (usually provided by the school) of the total program cost.
- An affidavit form (sworn statement) detailing how costs will be covered from applicant’s available personal and family assets or funds.
- Copy of the title deed of the guarantor’s real property.
- Applicant’s résumé.